
Kristy Chong was experiencing bladder leaks after having two children. She was determined to solve this problem by starting her own brand. One that would change our mindsets – and the planet – by changing underwear for the better. At the time, the available solutions were ugly, inconvenient, uncomfortable and a hazard to our environment - disposable hygiene. Kristy couldn't understand why with all the advancements in technology, underwear and disposable hygiene had not evolved. She knew instantly that she was going to have to create a whole new product category for women. She took that idea and turned it into products that can more conveniently, comfortably and reliably manage menstrual flow, incontinence, sweat and even breast milk leaks, and reduce the amount of single-use products ending up in landfill and damaging our environment.

Recognized as a true Australian innovation by Powerhouse Museum, Kristy says it took Modibodi almost two years of prototyping, testing and fine-tuning to develop its first range of leak-proof underwear using the patented Modifier and Modifier Air Technology. Up to 100 textile engineers and fiber companies from both the USA and Australia were consulted and close to 1,000 scientific tests were undertaken. Modibodi became Australia's original leak-proof apparel brand with a wide range of patented and patent pending light – heavy absorbency linings that target periods, heavy discharge and bladder leaks and breast milk leakage.

One of the major challenges that Kristy faced was the taboo surrounding periods and bladder leaks: “Most women have or will get their period, it's in our DNA and one in three mums experience bladder leaks, but traditionally, women don't talk about it.” All women deserve dignity and confidence so Modibodi works hard to increase their social impact through their own 'Give a Pair' program and working with a variety of organizations in Australia and across the globe to deliver women in need a sustainable, simple solution to manage menstruation and incontinence.

Modibidi underwear has four types of linings, the most popular product, the period and pee friendly undies are super-slim, only 3mm thick and can hold up to 20ml or two tampons worth of liquid per leak. They have three layers, which each play a role:

  • The top layer quickly wicks away moisture, fights bacteria and stops smells, so you stay dry and fresh

  • The middle layer safely absorbs fluid and locks it away (2.5-20mls)

  • The bottom layer is extra waterproof protection, so you're super secure

A small percentage of every purchase made by a customer goes towards providing product directly into the hands of women in need. 22,890 Pairs donated.

Modibodi also offers a full vegan range.

Based: Sydney, Australia.

Ships to: To most countries. For a full list, check Modibodi´s website.

Products: Leak-proof apparel, mostly underwear that absorbs periods, bladder leaks, discharge.

Mission: Modibodi was founded to help people better manage their periods and incontinence without the need for disposable pads, tampons or liners. It's a more comfortable, dignified solution that is better for our bodies and better for the environment. 

Vision: We hope to eliminate the amount of disposables hygiene products that end up in landfill and our oceans daily.

URL: Modibodi