
Kamedis was founded by Roni Kramer, who has a degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Chinese Herbology, to develop highly effective, safe, botanical-based solutions that treat skin disorders without the side effects of conventional products. All Kamedis products are based on TCM botanicals that have been used successfully to treat skin conditions for thousands of years. After years of meticulous research and ongoing clinical trials, Kamedis has created a line of products that focus on relieving specific skin conditions through the power of botanicals.

Kamedis comes from 开 Kai in Chinese which means to open, to start, and can also be used to convey innovation. Medis represents the medicinal nature of the products, and reflects the scientific background of the brand. Together, Kamedis is "innovative medicine". The best synergistic combinations of TCM botanicals have been found to give your skin, through modern day science, the best chance to return to it's natural healthy balance. Kamedis products work without stripping or damaging your skin and by relieving the problem gently and effectively. One of Kamedis´ innovations is to combine active ingredients with TCM botanicals that improve results while also curbing side effects. The botanicals used are known to have direct effect on specific microbes and reduce inflammation involved in most skin conditions. Some of these botanicals include Indigofera Tinctoria (Indigo), Angelica Sinesis (Chinese Angelica) and Rheum Palmatum (Chinese Rhubarb). Kamedis offers a range of products to effectively treat skin problems such as eczema, acne and dandruff.

At Kamedis, they use modern science to bring nature's best ingredients into their products and onto your skin. They strive to provide highly effective and safe botanical formulations, and want everyone, everywhere, to benefit from their innovative and synergistic skin care solutions. Kamedis wishes to be more than a skincare company. For this reason, a Kamedis community was created to be able to share their wisdom and help every individual on their unique journey to healthier skin.

Based: Tel Aviv, Israel.

Ships to: Worldwide.

Products: Skincare products to treat skin problems such as eczema, acne, dandruff

Mission: Bringing your skin back to its natural healthy balance. We use modern science to bring nature's best ingredients into our products, and onto your skin. All of our products use the highest quality of botanicals, and are free of the fillers and harsh chemicals that have become ubiquitous in the realm of skincare.

Vision: To combine ancient herbal wisdom with modern technology to develop highly effective and safe skincare products.

URL: https://www.kamedis.com