Posts tagged Plastic Soup Foundation
Anne Marieke Eveleens, Saskia Studer and Francis Zoet

Anne Marieke Eveleens, Saskia Studer and Francis Zoet (who became friends teaching sailing classes at the same sailing school) were continuously confronted with plastic debris while on the water. They wanted to come up with a solution to stop plastic from entering the oceans without blocking the continuous ship traffic or fish migration. The solutions that already existed only caught floating debris while a huge part of waste travels lower.

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Microplastics pollution in oceans, rivers and lakes are not only made of microbeads and broken down pieces of plastic coming from bags, bottles etc. On the contrary, multiple studies have found that synthetic fibers coming from our clothes make up the biggest share of microplastics in the environment. (for example, according to a study by IUCN nearly 34%). 

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